Monday, March 12, 2012

To my baby brother and sister.

You both are finally 3 years old, and I could swear it was just yesterday when we were sitting in that waiting room waiting for the newest additions to our family.
Max, Monkey, Monkers, Bubba-
I am so proud of you and how intelligent you are, just like Dad is. You are growing into a handsome young boy and you are the biggest lover with the biggest heart. I love you unconditionally little brother, Could never imagine my life with out you.
Ella, Stinks, Baby sis- 
You are quite the little social butterfly. You are beautiful (like your mommy) and so sweet and caring (like Dad). You melt my heart every time I come over and you are so excited to see me. You are so smart. I am so proud to have a little sister like you. I love you with all my heart and could never imagine being with out a little sister like you.


  1. Way to make me cry all over the keyboard. Maegann Elizabeth you are such a good big sister! The kid's love their 'Mae Mi,' and I love you too. SO MUCH! Thank you for this special post for them. I'm printing it out and saving it.

  2. I sitting here with tears running down my face too. Max and Ella are so lucky to have you for their big sister. And I'm blessed because you all call me grandma<3
